Marketing Support Materials

Customizable Flyer

You can download and edit this Customizable Flyer to include course-specific details, such as your name, course location and time. Double-click in the text box at the bottom of the flyer to edit. We will continue to add additional versions of this flyer, so check back.



You may email or print copies of this CIT Brochure to help market your courses.


Certified Facilitator Logo

If you have completed your CIT Facilitator Certification requirements, you can download this image and use it in your marketing materials, such as flyers, website, email signature, and social media posts.



Use these Testimonials from previous course participants to help market your course. They are broken down by category and will continue to expand over time. You may cut and paste the ones you like into your marketing materials. If you collect any good testimonials from your participants, please share them with us.